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This page contains all the confirmed spoilers in chronological order of when they were received. Or at least it will. It is currently under construction. In the meantime, you can read all the spoilers on the board by clicking HERE.
From ER Daily
In other news, some clues as to next season's plotlines come from Marilyn Beck's column in which she reveals that Mark Green's 13-year-old daughter (presumably Rachel, presumably played as usual by Yvonne Zima) will become a recurring character who has to deal Mark's new family (i.e., Elizabeth and baby Ella). And what about Derek Fossen, the patient Mark refused to zap in the elevator? Jack Orman offers a clue in Variety: "As far as we know, Greene lets a man die. That's really big for him. We understood it intellectually and thought it would work, but we had no idea how strong it would be." Lastly -- wonder of wonders -- Carter's parents will finally show their faces in Chi-town, as the Carter family deals with "difficulties with his aging paternal grandmother, Frances Sternhagen." (This is big news, of course, roughly equivalent with Frasier's Maris making an appearance.) No word on who will be cast as Mommy and Daddy Carter, but Marilyn Beck sez "expect Carter and his kin to overcome old wounds." Fabergé eggs will be flung!
July 16
From Boston Herald:
Hyde Park homegal Maura Tierney is back on the "ER" set today after spending the last of her summer vacation with her family on Nantucket. But this year, she returns to County General not only with a tan, but an Emmy nomination!
Ebullient Maura Tierney told the Boston Herald, "It's really exciting. The thing is it's a great job and I like going to work there. So this extra thing makes it really, really nice." For her money, Maura isn't a fan of awards ceremonies themselves: "They are not nearly as fun as watching them on TV. You can't talk amongst yourselves because the camera's on, it's always boiling hot inside and you can only talk to people in the smokers' lounge outside."
Maura also had some secrets to reveal about the next season of ER. Well, sort of: Sally Field won't be returning as her mother ("That story arc is finished...I do know that for sure"). There might be a fashion makeover for the nurses: "We may change the color of the scrubs this year. And the clogs just aren't comfortable. I want sneakers, but you never know." Lastly, she hasn't a clue as to the future of Abby and Luka: "I have no idea. They told me a lot more last year. I don't think they [the writers] really know." And lastly, she's been told that Abby will "lighten up" this coming year.
July 17
Gray Sails wrote:
A quick post-by to let you know that lots of info is filtering in about the new season from my two moles. I am trying to sort through it all for you Chalupas so that, as we tried to do it last season, you can safely rely on the information once it is posted.
The consensus between the moles is that Elizabeth Mitchell *will* be part of this season's ER.
From what I have gathered so far, Dr. Legaspi will appear in a somewhat different capacity; I hope to have something more solid--and confirmed--for you by the end of the month.
July 18
Ruth Gordon wrote:
Four Corners = Benton, Carter, Greene, Weaver
No Kim Legaspi in the season premiere
No Susan Lewis in the season premiere.
Lots of Anspaugh in the season premiere.
There is a joke about wild dogs.
EpneBelle wrote:
Season 8 premiere
- Mark faces a Morbidity and Mortality conference regarding Fossen's death, but only Elizabeth (back from her 6 week maternity leave) grows suspicious.
- Carter attends his grandfather's funeral, where we meet his parents. Abby, later joins him at the reception.
- Peter and Cleo are "taking a break" from each other.
- Kerry returns from a spontaneous 3 week trip to Africa.
- Chen is the new chief resident.
July 20, 2001
John Wells talks about Sherry Stringfield's return as well as some other Season 8 tidbits.
Ruth Gordon wrote:
In the first episode, Kerry is a bit dazed and confused, off her game. She attributes it to jet lag but it appears to be more.
And this is perhaps old news, yet,
despite Sherry Stringfield being on the set Wednesday, she is not slated to appear in the first episode.
I'm sorry that I have nothing on Elizabeth Mitchell or the Kim character.
There is a rumor floating around that someone besides Anthony Edwards is leaving this season and it's not who you think. This is just in the rumor stage at this point. Let the speculation begin.
GraySails wrote:
I haven't had time to read your latest spoiler discussion so I may cover something already talked about. If I do, uhm...uh...pretend not to notice it!
Kerry and the Africa trip--apparently Kerry will look quite disctracted and out of sorts once she's back in the ER and during mark's M&M about the dude who died. Romano, I believe, comments on her sudden and prolongued absence and Kerry does what she does best: dismiss him.
Kerry refers to the trip as "interesting;" the plan, as it stands today, is to introduce a woman Kerry has met in Africa. Apparently, later in the season, she will show up in the ER. The reasons for Kerry's distraction, however, won't be explained. Or not at first.
I realize most of you want to know about Elizabeth Mitchell. All I can tell you is that there will be some movement next week to either finalize or overhaul the previous agreement. What is certain for now is that she has an option to keep her role on on an episode-to-episode basis. In other words, since an official contract could not be notarized while EM was employed at ABC, NBC drafted a document that assured her a spot on ER without finalizing in how many episodes she would appear.
Please remember that all information may change, especially as it pertains to contracts. I do try to confirm as much as I can before I post, but nothing is proof positive. To that point, please remember that, while I may post the scoopage, many others, including members of this community, contribute to either the original information or to its confirmation.
A big THANK YOU to the anonymous Chalupas who make getting a reporting scoopage so much easier.
July 21, 2001
Hilliard wrote:
The Season premiere, tentatively named, FOUR CORNERS, is presented like Kurosawa's film RASHOMON. The story recounts the events of a day from the perspective of four characters -- Benton, Weaver, Carter and Greene.
Benton's family is still dealing with the loss of his nephew. Weaver is getting used to being back at work after an impromptu trip to Africa. Carter deals with his family at his grandfather's funeral. Greene must defend his actions in the death of the shooter from last season's finale.
As reported by others, Susan and Kim do not make an appearance in the first episode.
July 24, 2001
From Wanda at E! Online responding to a question asking if the Beast had been cancelled.
God willing and if the ratings don't rise, we'll get our beloved Elizabeth Mitchell back on ER next season. And yes, all signs are pointing to a peacock year for her.
July 25, 2001
Ruth Gordon said:
Get your tissues ready for Episode 2. There will be an unexpected death.
EpneBelle said:
Episode #2
Peter rushes to Mercy after Carla and Reese are involved in a car accident.
Luka and Abby have a tense night out.
Mark and Elizabeth find balancing their schedules and an infant harder than expected.
Carter works late and attempts to discuss an attending position with Kerry.
Kerry meets again with a familiar face.
The ER is overrun with patients after a stampede at a rock concert.
July 26, 2001
Hilliard said:
Ok so all of this is, of course, preliminary and totally subject to change so take it for what it's worth... I understand that Romano will have a big ol' can of whoop-ass opened on him re: his piggish homophobic behavior. (Perhaps this is the entrez for Kim to return??) The other juicy morsel the lovely and talented Aaron passed on was that this season we will learn more about Kerry Weaver - as in her past, her childhood - all of it.
Ruth Gordon said:
The familiar face is not Kim or Susan. It is someone more obscure.
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